Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Father And Daughter

A father and daughter have such a beautiful relationship. Probably even stronger than with the mother. A father always adores his daughter. I wouldn't know what the father feels but I know what a daughter feels who is so loved. A father would do anything for his daughter.

 I am 18 hears old. When my father comes home at night and I want to eat ice cream, we both go to an ice cream parlour and get us ice creams. Those special moments that I have with my father, I dont have with my mom.

Earlier this year, we went to a family gathering in this park, the place was huge. Me and my cousins, we decided to go to the corner which had loads of trees and bushes and click some photos. I thought that we aren't going far and didn't tell papa. When he found me, I remember he came straight to me and hugged me to his chest so tightly.

You know, there is this picture, one of my favourites, me and papa when I was around 2 or 3. He is lying on his side on the bed and I am sitting beside him. I have this small toy clutched in my hand and from what it seems, I am hittning him on his leg and we are both laughing. My mother tells me that when I was a toddler and papa was going out the door to go to work, I would hold his finger and start crying. Remembring all these memories brings tears in my eyes. Its been so long since I remembered them.....

The other day, I was going through some facebook posts and found these pictures. I just couldn't not upload these here...

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